AT&T’s Vizzini Moment

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1 minute
Inigo Montoya and Vizzini

Sara sent me a link to an Information Week article about the most recent piece of AT&T FUD regarding the iPhone coming to Verizon. Apparently it’s brown trousers time for AT&T’s  Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, Larry Solomon, who sent the following statement to Business Insider:

“The iPhone is built for speed, but that’s not what you get with a CDMA phone. I’m not sure iPhone users are ready for life in the slow lane.”

The following brief chat occured via IM:

Sara: I love how in the artical that piece referenced, AT&T points out that on CDMA networks you can’t talk on the phone and browse the internet simultaniously, and because of that, they think customers will prefer AT&T’s “speed and functionality”. They need to check the definition of functional, because I do not think it means what they think it means.
Paul: AT&T’s Vizzini moment!

AT&T might want to spend some time watching The Princess Bride and pay attention to Inigo.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. – Inigo Montoya
