Webcasts With Paul O’Flaherty

Listed below are some of the podcasts and videocasts (collectively referred to as webcasts) and shows that I have hosted or participated in over the past decade or more. This page will be updated for every new show and when content for really old shows is rediscovered.

Nothing Serious Podcast – 119 Episodes (Ended)

Hosted by Paul O’FlahertyDaniel Walters, and my late friend Steven Hodson, the show covers many topics ranging across atheism, skepticism, technology, society, social media, weird news, current affairs, marketing and more.

All topics are tackled in a funny, uncensored, NSFW style that causes listeners to spontaneously tweet awesome stuff about the show. Paul, Daniel, and Steven were regularly joined on the show by prominent bloggers, activists, authors, and other guests. Some of the episodes were streamed live on YouTube.

Winextra Daily Brief  – 154 Episodes (Ended)

Running for 154 video episodes and numerous long-form audio episodes (as “WinExtra on Windows”), the “WinExtra Daily Brief” podcast was a Microsoft and Windows focused vidcast produced by the late Steven Hodson of the Microsoft focused blog – WinExtra.

Past episodes can be found on YouTube.

Geek Dimensions Podcast (Ended)

Weekly geek orientated audio podcast hosted by the late Steven Hodson, Paul O’Flaherty, and various other co-hosts, Geek Dimensions looks at the hottest stories in sci-fi, media, entertainment, tech, and general geekdom.

Drive-By Marketing Podcast (Ended)

The Drive-By Marketing Podcast – Adventures in Small Business Marketing with Paul O’Flaherty.

Every week Paul provides you with tips, instructions, and rants on how to grow your Small Business via social media marketing. Available in both audio and video formats.

O’Flaherty – 21 Episodes (Ended)

Recorded back in late 2006 / 2007 “O’Flaherty” was a weekly experiment in podcasting where I talked about tech and topics which engaged me at the time. The podcast lasted 21 episodes, mixed between audio and video. All episodes can be found here.

Happy Hour With Mr. Business Golf (Ended)

I did a series of interviews with Scot Duke of the “Happy Hour with Mr. Business Golf” podcast which ran over 6 shows. The original site is no-longer available but I did manage to archive the audio.

Braindead TechCast (Ended)

I had the opportunity to stand in for Sean P. Aune as host of the Braindead TechCast for 3 episodes. Unfortunately the audio is no-longer available online. I will post it here f it ever does become available again.


I’ve had the opportunity to both interview (and be interviewed by) many fine people over the years. This category contains all existing media for those interviews.


Occasionally I will upload videos to my YouTube Channel. You can never be sure what you will get in these vlogs, but I try to keep them entertaining.